For my final project I intend to create a 3D game based on my Dimitri 'the sock stealing' Monkey that I will build through Cinema 4D and Unity.
He will collect socks through out the game due to a compulsion that he cannot control, incidentally the socks help to improve Dimitri's health. He will defend himself and solve problems by throwing his poop. Dimitri will face many NPC's in the form of big cats, snakes, humans & other primates. The level that I will be creating will take place in a jungle.
The game will have many characters such as Hernando the fat Panther who wants to eat Dimitri, humans that are destroying the jungle, a large group of cattle who want to help Dimitri lead by Shane the Ozzie Bull and his wife Sheila the heifer, Margaret the Gorilla Queen who is an angry gorilla who wants the Jungle just for gorilla-kind and Dimitri's nemesis Vladimir who is rhesus monkey who hates Dimitri and is currently dating the love of Dimitri's life the beautiful Alexia.
The humans are lead by their foreman Ed Nutsucker and his boss the head of 'Happy Burger' food chain Chas McDollar who wants the jungle flattened so he can raise cattle on the land.
Dimitri wants to stop the decimation of the jungle to keep his home, he will do this with the help of his best friend Sofiya and maybe finally win the heart of Alexia.